Community Rules

We want every session to run as smoothly as possible, so we’ve put together a few simple guidelines for all attendees to follow during their stay.

Anyone who attends the group (staff, volunteers, members and guests) must follow the ground rules and behave in a considerate way towards other people at the group meeting.

Last Updated: 24 February 2025

The kitchen is off limits unless your with a facilitator, cupboards that do not have NeuroFriends on them are not under any circumstances to be opened.

It’s not just for Las Vegas. What’s said at group stays at group. No one wants to find out he or she has been the subject of gossip or well-meaning discussions without their knowledge. This is probably the most important ground rule of all.

Promotion of the group is obviously something that we welcome, however, when taking photos or video during sessions be mindful of who or what you are filming, not everyone would like their picture posted on social media, so always ask before taking any photos or videos.

Try to arrive on time for the start of the session, this helps make sure that everyone feels comfortable at the beginning of the group.

Try to give in-person group members personal space.

Safeguarding rules apply at NeuroFriends if people share anything that may be a danger to themselves or others, we will contact them privately about this.

Avoid dismissing the thoughts of others, don’t laugh at others when they’ve shared (unless they’ve just told a joke), and no putdowns of any kind.

It’s just a fact of life that everyone has different opinions. If the group has differing thoughts on an issue, there’s no requirement that everyone agree but this must follow the kindness rule, just because you disagree on something doesn’t mean you get to be mean.

Please avoid using any offensive or abusive language or bullying. This includes racism, misogyny, ableism, ageism, antisemitism, Islamophobia and making anti-LGBTQIA+ statements. We have zero tolerance of bullying behaviour.

We have a zero tolerance policy around alcohol and or drugs, if you attend a session intoxicated you will be asked to leave, members who are found to be using illegal drugs while at NeuroFriends will also be asked to leave and reported the relevant authorities.

Anyone that doesn’t abide by these rules may be asked to leave and or spoken to privately in a break out room.

If you would like to report a concern, you can do so by emailing [email protected] or speaking to a facilitator during a session

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